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Taddie, Daniel. 1996. Solmization, Scale, and Key in Nineteenth-Century Four-Shape Tunebooks: Theory and Practice. American Music 14(1):42-64.

Tadlock, Paula. 1978. Shape-Note Singing in Mississippi. In Discourse in Ethnomusicology: Essays in Honor of George List, edited by John Hasse, Roberta L. Singer, and Ruth M. Stone, 191-208. Bloomington: Ethnomusicology Publications Group of Indiana University.

Tallmadge, William H. 1961. Dr. Watts and Mahalia Jackson: The Development, Decline, and Survival of a Folk Style in America. Ethnomusicology 5(2).

Tallmadge, William H. 1968. The Responsorial and Antiphonal Practice in Gospel Song. Ethnomusicology 12:219-38.

Tallmadge, William H. 1969. The Baptist Lining-Hymn: An Unexplored Area of Study. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Folklore Society, Atlanta, 1969.

Tallmadge, William H. 1975. Baptist Monophonic and Heterophonic Hymnody in Southern Appalachia. Yearbook for Inter-American Musical Research 2:106-36.

Tallmadge, William H. 1977. Gaelic Psalms from Lewis. Sonneck Society Newsletter 3(3):12-13.

Tallmadge, William H. 1979a. Baptist Monophonic and Heterophonic Hymnody in Southern Appalachia. Paper presented at the Symposium on Rural Hymnody, Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, April 27-29, 1979. Housed at the Archives of the Hutchins Library, Berea College.

Tallmadge, William H. 1979b. The Black in Jackson's White Spirituals. Paper presented at the Symposium on Rural Hymnody, Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, April 27-29, 1979. Housed at the Archives of the Hutchins Library, Berea College.

Tallmadge, William H. 1979c. Jackson's White and Negro Spirituals: Thirty-Six Years Later (response to Dorothy Horn). Paper presented at the Symposium on Rural Hymnody, Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, April 27-29, 1979. Housed at the Archives of the Hutchins Library, Berea College.

Tallmadge, William H. 1979d. The Nomenclature of Folk Hymnody. The Hymn 30(October):240-42.

Tallmadge, William H. 1981. The Black in Jackson's White Spirituals. The Black Perspective in Music 9:139-60.

Tallmadge, William H. 1983. Religious Folk and Folklike Music in Appalachia. Berea, Kentucky: Berea College Appalachian Center.

Tallmadge, William H. 1984. Folk Organum: A Study of Origins. American Music 2(3):47-65.

Tallmadge, William H. 1986. Review of Christian Harmony and The Rabun County Singing Convention [Foxfire Magazine (Cassettes), 1984]. The Hymn 37(3).

Tamke, Susan S. 1978. Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord: Hymns as a Reflection of Victorian Social Attitudes. Athens: Ohio University Press.

Tawa, Nicholas E. 1979. How a Songbook Can be Useful. Sonneck Society Newsletter 5(1):18-19.

Teague, Webster W., Jr. 1956. A Study of Church Music Offerings in Church-Related Colleges in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. M.Mus.Ed. thesis, Florida State University.

Teal, Mary Evelyn Durden. 1964. Music Activities in Detroit from 1701 through 1870. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1967. Eighteenth Century Anthems. Musical Times (June).

Temperley, Nicholas. 1971. The Adventures of a Hymn Tune. The Musical Times 112:375-6, 488-9.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1972a. John Playford and the Metrical Psalms. Journal of the American Musicological Society 25:331-78.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1972b. Kindred and Affinity in Hymn Tunes. The Musical Times 113:905-9.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1974. Tuning and Temperament. In Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 13, 741-3. 15th edition.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1978. William Croft and the Charity Hymn. Musical Times 119:539-41.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1979a. The Music of the English Parish Church. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1979b. The Old Way of Singing: Its Origins and Development. Paper presented at the Symposium on Rural Hymnody, Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, April 27-29, 1979. Housed at the Archives of the Hutchins Library, Berea College.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1981a. The Old Way of Singing: Its Origins and Development. Journal of the American Musicological Society 34:511-44.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1981b. The Origins of the Fuging Tune. RMA Research Chronicle 17:1-23.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1986. Psalm Singing in Christian Churches. American Organist 20(October):70-71.

Temperley, Nicholas. 1987. Stephen Humbert's Union Harmony, 1816. In Sing out the Glad News: Hymn Tunes in Canada, 57-89. Toronto: Institute for Canadian Music.

Temperley, Nicholas. n.d. Organs in English Parish Churches. The Organ Yearbook .

Temperley, Nicholas, and Charles G. Manns. 1983. Fuging Tunes in the Eighteenth Century. Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography, No. 49. Detroit: Information Coordinators.

Terri, Salli. 1975. The Gift of Shaker Music. Music Educators Journal 61(1):22-35.

Terry, Miller. 1979. Growth of the Old Baptist Repertory. Paper presented at the Symposium on Rural Hymnody, Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, April 27-29, 1979. Housed at the Archives of the Hutchins Library, Berea College.

Terry, Richard R. 1930. Calvin's First Psalter, 1539. Proceedings of the Musical Association 57(November 4):1-21.

Thayer, Alexander W. 1879. Lowell Mason. Dwight's Journal of Music 39(1007-8).

Theology of Sacred Harp. 1988. The Theology of the Sacred Harp. National Sacred Harp Newsletter 3(January).

Thomas, Gilbert. 1935. William Cowper and the Eighteenth Century. London: Nicholson and Watson.

Thomas, Georgia Fletcher. 1969. The History of the Shape-Note Hymnal from 1800 to the Present. Master's thesis, Kent State University.

Thompson, James William. 1960. Oliver Shaw, 1779-1848: Forgotten Master. The Hymn 11(July):83-90.

Thompson, James William. 1962. Music and Musical Activities in New England, 1800-1838. Ph.D. dissertation, George Peabody College for Teachers.

Thompson, James William. 1963. Change in the Church Music of New England (c. 1800). The Hymn 14(1):17-21.

Thomson, R. L. 1993. The Manx Singing Psalms. Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society Proceedings 10(2).

Thomson, Ronald William. 1967. Who's Who of Hymn Writers. London: Epworth P.

Thorman, Chris. 1992. The Sacred Harp Concordance. San Francisco: The Author.

Thorndike, S. Lothrop. 1895. The Psalmodies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts 1(228-38).

Thorpe, Alice Louise. 1935. American Songsters of the Eighteenth Century. M.A. thesis, Brown University.

Thrasher, Herbert C. 1946. Oliver Shaw. Providence: Friends of the Library. Reprinted from Books at Brown, Vol. 8.

Thurman, Earl. 1952. The Chattahoochee Musical Convention. East Point, Georgia: The Author.

Tilden, William S. 1901. Early Life of Lowell Mason. In Memories of a Musical Life, edited by William Mason. New York: Century. Orig. 1892.

Tischler, Barbara. 1986. An American Music: The Search for an American Musical Identity. New York: Oxford University Press.

Titon, Jeff Todd. 1979. Hymnody of the Fellowship Independent Baptist Church of Stanley, Virginia. Paper presented at the Symposium on Rural Hymnody, Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, April 27-29, 1979. Housed at the Archives of the Hutchins Library, Berea College.

Titon, Jeff Todd. 1980. A Song from the Holy Spirit. Ethnomusicology 24:223-231.

Titon, Jeff Todd. 1985. Stance, Role, and Identity in Fieldwork among Folk Baptists and Pentacostals. American Music 3(1):16-24.

Titon, Jeff Todd. 1988. Powerhouse For God: Speech, Chant, and Song in an Appalachian Baptist Church. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Titon, Jeff Todd. 1997. Old Regular Baptist Songs. In notes to Old Regular Baptists: Lined-Out Hymnody from Southeastern Kentucky. Sung by members of the Indian Bottom Association, Old Regular Baptists, at Defeated Creek Church, Linefork, Kentucky, August 20, 1992, and June 10, 1993. Recorded by Jeff Todd Titon. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Folkways Recordings SF CD 40106.

Townsend, James A. 1979. Feelings Related to Assurance in Charles Wesley's Hymns. Ph.D. dissertation, Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology.

Traywick, L. 1964. Some Contemporary Builders of "The Sacred Harp". Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin 30(2):57-62.

Trooien, Roberta Peirce. 1990. The Rhetoric of Hymn Texts: A Feminist Perspective. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota.

Tucker, Susie I. 1959. Dr. Watts Looks at the Language. Notes and Queries 6:367.

Tune Books. 1928. Tune Books. In Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by Waldo Selden Pratt and Charles N. Boyd.

Tunison, Frank E. 1888. Presto! From the Singing School to the May Music Festival. Cincinnati: Criteron Publishing Co.

Turner, Paul. 1965. Fuging Tunes after William Billings. Unpublished research paper. Housed at the Music Library, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.

Tyack, David. 1966. The Kingdom of God and the Common School. Harvard Educational Review 36:447-69.

Tye, James E. 1970. Numeral Notation in Early American Tune-Books. M.C.M. thesis, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Typical Month. 1985. A Typical Month in the Life of a Sacred Harp Singer. National Sacred Harp Newsletter 1(July).

Tyson, John Rodger. 1983. Charles Wesley's Theology of the Cross: An Examination of the Theology and Method of Charles Wesley as Seen in His Doctrine of the Atonement. Ph.D. dissertation, Drew University.

Tyson, John Rodger, ed. n.d. Charles Wesley: A Reader. .

Tytler, Sarah. 1907. The Countess of Huntingdon and Her Circle. London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons.