Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

in 562 occurrences, 464 verses, 322 songs

A heart in ev’ry thought renewed

328 Praise God

A home in heav’n as the suff’rer lies

41 Home in Heaven

A home in heav’n! What a joyful thought

41 Home in Heaven

A home in heav’n when our friends are fled

41 Home in Heaven

A home in heav’n when the faint heart bleeds

41 Home in Heaven

Agonizing in the garden

81t Beach Spring

Although they’re drowned in vice

67 Columbus

Although we part, perhaps in tears

521 Parting Friends

I’m drinking endless pleasure in

373 Homeward Bound

I’m fettered and chained up in clay

384 Panting For Heaven

I’m trusting in His Holy Word

206 Christian’s Hope

’Mid storms of doubt, in grief or woe

367 Consolation

Among them clothed in white.

562 Infinite Delight

An int’rest in your prayers I crave

62 Parting Hand

516 DeLong

And answer in that day

445 Passing Away

And corn in valleys grow.

200 Edom

301 Greenland

304 Morgan

528 Showers of Blessings

And dwell in peace at home?

390 New Prospect

And dwell with Him in light.

101b Holy City

And faith in lively exercise

329 Vain World Adieu

And feel in the presence of Jesus at home.

161 Sweet Home

And God grant we may meet together in that world above

260 Farewell Anthem

And greet me first in heav’n.

312t Sing to Me of Heaven

And I must go, and die down in the cold and silent grave

260 Farewell Anthem

And I soon shall sing in eternity.

548 Wootten

And I’d praise God in His bright abode.

106 Ecstasy

And in full glory shine!

292 Behold the Savior

And in His arms resign my breath

170 Exhilaration

And in His arms resigned to death

544 Praise Him

And in His bosom rest?

378t Heavenly Port

And in me let each virtue shine

205 Pleasant Hill

And in peace e’ermore abide.

494 Big Creek

And in that light of life I’ll walk

75 I Would See Jesus

And in the act of dying gave up the ghost

355 Anthem on the Savior

And in the new Jerusalem

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

And in the paths of righteousness

330t Horton

And in the victories of Thy death

44 The Converted Thief

And in Thy dear image arise from the tomb

119 Heaven’s My Home

And join the anthems in the skies

378b Never Turn Back

And joined in thy innocent glee.

413 The Loved Ones

And lead me in the narrow way

531 Dura

And leave you ever in the dark.

204 Mission

404 Youth Will Soon Be Gone

436 Morning Sun

And me in that number will Jesus receive

369 Send A Blessing

And meet you in the promised land.

549 Phillips Farewell

And mould’ring, lie buried in dust

240 Christian Song

And now I live in Him.

75 I Would See Jesus

And now in thine eye shines the fond, parting tear.

231 Thou Art Passing Away

And on in the way of obedience to move.

179 The Christian Warfare

And possess, in sweet communion

56t Columbiana

And poured out my soul to my Savior in prayer.

100 The Bower of Prayer

And praise Him in that holy place.

544 Praise Him

And rejoicing in Thy love.

80t Shouting Song

323t Mullins

And saints arrayed in white

101b Holy City

And saints will rise to meet Him in the air.

498 The Resurrection Day

And shall He bleed in vain?

124 Lover of the Lord

And shall hear the trumpet sound in the morning?

85 The Morning Trumpet

And sink in deep despair?

67 Columbus

462 Faith and Hope

And sink in gaping graves.

222 Ocean

And starve in a foreign land

113 The Prodigal Son

And the light shineth in darkness

553 Anthem on the Beginning

And there’s union in my soul

424 Sweet Union

And they had palms in their hands

250 Heavenly Vision

And thus, in dying anguish said:

37t Ester

And triumph in my God

492 Invocation

And waft me in peace to the shore.

449 Fatherland

And was cradled in a manger.

355 Anthem on the Savior

And we’ll all shout together in that morning.

421 Sweet Morning

And we’ll shout and praise the Lamb in glory!

343 Happy Home

And welt’ring in Thy blood.

44 The Converted Thief

And when I close my eyes in death

58 Pisgah

And worship in Thy fear.

173 Phoebus

Angels in shining order stand

196 Alabama

Are oft in mercy sent:

113 The Prodigal Son

Are waving in the air

438 The Marriage in the Skies

Arrayed in robes of light

120 Chambers

As in the ages past

534 New Georgia

As in the days of old

141 Complainer

As in Thy sight to live

502 A Charge to Keep

As the Lord cometh down in the pomp of His ire!

149 The Trumpet

As the poor man toils in his weary lot:

41 Home in Heaven

Ask, and receive in Jesus’ name.

429 Christian’s Delight

Awake, my soul, in joyful lays

275t Loving Kindness

Be acceptable in Thy sight, Oh Lord

518 Heavenly Anthem

Be joyful in your King

456 Sacred Mount

Before the hills in order stood

543 Thou Art God

Beheld my soul in ruin lie

484 Heavenly Union

Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord:

320 Funeral Anthem

Blessed are the pure in heart

507 Sermon on the Mount

Blest Jesus while in mortal flesh

39b Sharpsburg

Blow the trumpet in Mount Zion

117 Babylon Is Fallen

Bright in that happy land beams ev’ry eye

354b Happy Land

Buried in sorrow and in sin

47t Primrose

Burst forth in strains of joyfulness

312t Sing to Me of Heaven

But all in silence mourn

49b Mear

But in Christ sweet consolation.

326 Weary Pilgrim

But in my hopes, pure and refining

332 Sons of Sorrow

But in the worship of my God

203 Florida

But in Thy life the law appears

515 Federal Street

But march on in the way

157 Essay

But my hope in God is strong

410t The Dying Californian

But we shall still be joined in heart

330b Fellowship

But when depressed and lost in sin

484 Heavenly Union

But when I am happy in Him

127 Green Fields

Cleansed in life’s flowing fountain

175 Highlands of Heaven

Come, humble sinner, in whose breast

29t Fairfield

94 Never Part

Come join in and help me to sing

376 Help Me to Sing

Come, join the angels in the sky

412 New Hosanna

Come, join us in our holy aim

334 Oh Come Away

Come to Jesus in your prime

144 Jubilee

Creation rose in form complete.

394 The Messiah’s Praise

Crosses in number, measure, weight

379 Span of Life

407 Charlton

Cry in reverential tone

139 Elysian

Cut down and withered in an hour.

50t Mortality

181 Exit

Dead, perhaps, laid in the tomb!

332 Sons of Sorrow

Described in the Bible that lay on the stand.

165 Family Bible

Dissolve my heart in thankfulness

310 Weeping Savior

Does the hope inspire of its home in heav’n.

41 Home in Heaven

Drawn out in living characters.

515 Federal Street

Drink endless pleasures in?

82t Bound For Canaan

85 The Morning Trumpet

319 Religion Is a Fortune

410b Mutual Love

Dwell in my own eternity

174 Petersburg

Each in his proper station move

212 Sharon

Fainting souls in peril’s hour

497 Natick

Far in distant lands to dwell?

385b Can I Leave You?

Farewell, dear brethren in the Lord

185 Pilgrim’s Farewell

Farewell, my brethren in the Lord

72t The Weary Soul

Fear shall in me no more have place

270 Confidence

Fix in us Thy humble dwelling

30t Love Divine

Flying in the air.

225b Christmas Anthem

Followed Jesus in the way.

56b Villulia

For in every sense of duty

115 Edmonds

For Thou art all in all.

147t Boylston

For when I was sinking in dreadful despair

125 Expression

From his home below to his home in heav’n.

41 Home in Heaven

From the blessed thought of his home in heav’n.

41 Home in Heaven

Glorious in His works and ways.

405 The Marcellas

God moves in a mysterious way

478 My Rising Sun

God, while in their troubles, found them

133 Hebrew Children

Goodness and wrath in vain combine

93 Frozen Heart

Groping on in darkness drear

510 Corley

I’ve much to do in little space

482 Mulberry Grove

I’ve sought for bliss in glitt’ring toys

204 Mission

We’ve found peace and pardon in Jesus’ blood.”

360 The Royal Band

He arose, and ascended in a cloud.

408 Weeping Mary

He dwelt in Eden’s shade

115 Edmonds

He in His mercy doth restore

558 Living Streams

He leadeth me in the paths

524 The Twenty-Third Psalm

He plants His footsteps in the sea

478 My Rising Sun

He saw me ruined in the fall

275t Loving Kindness

He saw me sinking in distress

527 My Life and Breath

He’ll embrace me in His arms

312b Restoration

He’ll not live in glory and leave me behind

369 Send A Blessing

Hear, lest in His wrath awaking

263 Doddridge

Here in this vale confined?

308 Parting Friends

How often we’ve met Him in sweet heav’nly union

116 Union

I am bound to die in the army.

80b Service of the Lord

I am bound to live in the service of the Lord

80b Service of the Lord

I bear thee in my arms

489 The Savior’s Call

I feel I’m in His favor

109 Carnsville

I find myself placed in a state of probation

179 The Christian Warfare

I first found in the blood of the Lamb

399b Happy Christian

I forward go in duty’s way

67 Columbus

I have a crown in view.

330t Horton

426t Kelley

I hear, but seem to hear in vain

287 Cambridge

I hope in Christ you’ll still go on

62 Parting Hand

516 DeLong

I in gems and roses gleaming

359 The Bride’s Farewell

I know His courts, I’ll enter in

29t Fairfield

I leave you in God’s care

235 Long Sought Home

I long, dearest Lord, in Thy beauties to shine

119 Heaven’s My Home

I long to dwell and eternally join in the song

496 The Rock That is Higher Than I

I read my duty in Thy Word

515 Federal Street

I see Thee bathed in sweat and tears

44 The Converted Thief

I seek a place in heav’n.

77t The Child of Grace

I shall live in endless day.

166 Still Better

I travel on in pain

83t Vale of Sorrow

I want a seat in Paradise

324 North Port

I’ll see my Savior in that land

465 Where There’s No Trouble and Sorrow

I’ll travel in the sacred way

381 Sing On

In a believer’s ear!

68b Ortonville

In a land beyond the sky

560 My Home

In all my afflictions to Thee would I come

119 Heaven’s My Home

In all my fears, in all my straits

26 Samaria

107 Russia

In all the cares of life and love.

212 Sharon

In and through God’s only Son.

144 Jubilee

In azure sky and beauteous earth

374 Oh, Sing With Me!

In brighter flames arrayed

112 The Last Words of Copernicus

In compassion new descend

70t Gainsville

In concert with the blood-washed band.

457 Wayfaring Stranger

In darkest night when he appears

478 My Rising Sun

In darkest shades if He appears

546 My Brightest Days

In darkest shades if Thou appear

550 Blissful Dawning

In each event of life, how clear

143 Pleyel’s Hymn

In earnest for the heav’nly land

89 The Church’s Desolation

In equal friendship join.

98 Dull Care

In everlasting day.

37b Liverpool

215 New Topia

In ev’ry joy that crowns my days

143 Pleyel’s Hymn

In ev’ry pain I bear

143 Pleyel’s Hymn

In every thing that’s lawful

115 Edmonds

In far distant regions they dwell.

341 The Lone Pilgrim

In glory, with celestial arts

225b Christmas Anthem

In God, the life of all my joys

386 Christ Our Song

In grateful anthems in the skies

539 Supplication

In green pastures

524 The Twenty-Third Psalm

In health made us to rise.

411 Morning Prayer

In heav’n above, where all is love

426b Jasper

In heav’n alone no sin is found

33t Weeping Savior

In heav’n and earth are one.

285t Arnold

In Him my star, my sun

75 I Would See Jesus

In Him was life; and the life was the light of men

553 Anthem on the Beginning

In hope of the eternal days

549 Phillips Farewell

In humble notes our faith adores

351 Pittsford

In hymns around the throne

283 Sabbath Morning

In hymns of joyful praise.

568 I Want to Go to Heaven

In icy fetters bound.

38t Winter

In Jesus’ ways go on

64 Nashville

In Jesus’ word go on

284 Garden Hymn

In living armies rise.

131t Messiah

534 New Georgia

In love’s unbounded sea:

61 Sweet Rivers

In mansions of eternal bliss

72t The Weary Soul

In mercy stoops to hear thy cry.

429 Christian’s Delight

In my Redeemer’s breast.

103 Animation

146 Hallelujah

In my Redeemer’s praise.

123b Cross of Christ

197 Georgia

330t Horton

In nature’s smiling bloom

176b Blooming Youth

In notes almost divine.

396 Notes Almost Divine

In paradise live

369 Send A Blessing

In pastures green He leads me on

437 Sidney

In pastures green he makes me lie

558 Living Streams

In paths of right I’ll stay.

490 My Shepherd Guides

In pride and robes of honor shine.

183 Greenwich

193 Huntington

In pris’n I saw him next, condemned

164 Duane Street

In rebellion blindly bold

74b King of Peace

In Satan’s bondage held

441 Raymond

In seas of heav’nly rest

36b Ninety-Fifth

43 Primrose Hill

114 Saint’s Delight

293 Akers

392 Manchester

In solemn darkness ’round your head.

404 Youth Will Soon Be Gone

522 Ye Heedless Ones

In spite of all your tow’rs

162 Plenary

In spite of env’ous Jews.

78 Stafford

In springs of water may abound

64 Nashville

In sweet submission, all as one

62 Parting Hand

In that bright world to which I go.

457 Wayfaring Stranger

In that eternal day.

146 Hallelujah

383 Eternal Day

In that eternal world of joy.

48t Devotion

556 Portland

In that last sad hour, ’mid friends so dear

494 Big Creek

In that sweet home above.

389 Fredericksburg

In the arms of my dear Savior

312b Restoration

In the beginning was the Word

553 Anthem on the Beginning

In the bright season of my youth

176b Blooming Youth

In the cross of Christ I glory

532 Peace and Joy

In the floods of tribulation

145b Sweet Affliction

In the house of the Lord forever.

524 The Twenty-Third Psalm

In the Lord’s avenging day?

523 Pleyel’s Hymn

In the presence of my enemies

524 The Twenty-Third Psalm

In the service of my Lord.

166 Still Better

In the world I’ve tribulation

326 Weary Pilgrim

In these cold hearts of ours.

371 Heavenly Dove

In Thine own appointed way

50b Humility

70t Gainsville

In this accepted day

96 Few Happy Matches

In those days came John the Baptist

232 Baptismal Anthem

572 The Lamb of God

In Thy atoning blood

569t Emmaus

In Thy name and Thy strength shall soon put to flight.

179 The Christian Warfare

In time no more I shall you see

83b The Dying Minister

348t Ainslie

In triumph Thou shalt rise

44 The Converted Thief

In vain Thou strugglest to get free

95 Vernon

In vain to heav’n she lifts her eyes

29b Tribulation

419 Melancholy Day

In vain we lavish out our lives

180 Vermont

In ways of righteousness!

77b Holcombe

Is labor that’s all spent in vain

116 Union

Is laid for your faith in His excellent word

72b Bellevue

It lays in heav’n the topmost stone

31t Ninety-Third Psalm

It tells me in a small still voice

471 The Savior’s Name

Jehovah shut them in

506 The Ark

Join in a song with sweet accord

31b Webster

52t Albion

481 Novakoski

Joy and peace in Christ I find

326 Weary Pilgrim

Leads me in paths of righteousness.

558 Living Streams

Let’s live so in youth that we blush not in age.

136 Morality

Let us all rejoice in Thee.

50b Humility

70t Gainsville

Lies low and mould’ring in the dust.

110 Mount Vernon

Lies silent in the grave.

397 The Fountain

Like soldiers in the good old way.

213t The Good Old Way

Lives eternal in the sky

332 Sons of Sorrow

Long in silence I have waited

263 Doddridge

Long thy guilt in secret grown

263 Doddridge

Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear

77b Holcombe

171 Exhortation

173 Phoebus

Lord, we ask in Jesus’ name

230 Converting Grace

March on in your Redeemer’s strength

456 Sacred Mount

May not a sinner trust in Thee?

73t Cusseta

May our justified souls find a welcome in heav’n.

149 The Trumpet

My Christian friends, in bonds of love

62 Parting Hand

My comfort by day and my song in the night

571 Penitence

My dear Redeemer took me in

484 Heavenly Union

My glittering crown appears in view

122 All Is Well

My heart shall find delight in praise

143 Pleyel’s Hymn

My home in heav’n above.

235 Long Sought Home

My home, it is in the promised land

51 My Home

My hope is in the Lord

542 I’ll Seek His Blessings

My parents, though dear, are safe landed in glory

342 The Old-Fashioned Bible

My soul should stretch her wings in haste

111b To Die No More

444 All Saints New

My soul when sinking in distress

558 Living Streams

My soul would stretch her wings in haste

30b Prospect

275b Roll On

380 Lawrenceburg

My tongue broke out in unknown strains

297 Conversion

My youthful friends, in Christian ties

62 Parting Hand

No, He will put His strength in me

67 Columbus

462 Faith and Hope

No, in the strength of Jesus, no!

270 Confidence

No more as an exile in sorrow to pine

119 Heaven’s My Home

Nor let me in my sins expire!

48b Kedron

Nor stay in all their course

84 Amsterdam

Now in the bowels of Thy love

58 Pisgah

Now, in the heat of youthful blood

272 Exhortation

Of a soul in its earliest love.

399b Happy Christian

Of love which in Jesus is made known to me.

360 The Royal Band

Oh Jesus, be with me in every battle

179 The Christian Warfare

Oh, may I never read in vain

391 Sounding Joy

Oh, may my heart in tune be found

48t Devotion

435 Sacred Rest

556 Portland

Oh may we in Thy bosom rest

302 Logan

Oh! May we meet in heav’n

498 The Resurrection Day

Oh, sinner, where will you stand in that day?

567 The Great Day

Oh! then what bliss in that heart forgiv’n

41 Home in Heaven

Oh Thou, in whose presence my soul takes delight

571 Penitence

Oh, ’tis not in grief to harm me

370 Monroe

Oh trust His grace — in Canaan’s land

62 Parting Hand

516 DeLong

Oh ’twere not in joy to charm me

370 Monroe

On whom in affliction I call

571 Penitence

One family, we dwell in Him

285t Arnold

Or cry in the desert for bread?

571 Penitence

Or hast Thou made mankind in vain?

547 Granville

Or heav’n and earth in order stood

431 New Bethany

Or seek relief in prayer.

143 Pleyel’s Hymn

Or sing in endless night.

266 Kingwood

Our God, our help in ages past

336 Eternal Home

Our life in Christ concealed

77t The Child of Grace

O’er lands which long in darkness lay:

242 Ode on Science

Peaceful in the grave so low

118 Stockwood

Pilgrims in a barren land

510 Corley

Preaching in the wilderness

572 The Lamb of God

Preaching in the wilderness of Judea

232 Baptismal Anthem

Read in nature, Nature’s God.

332 Sons of Sorrow

Rejoice in glorious hope!

473 Carmarthen

Rejoicing in hope of my glorious home.

119 Heaven’s My Home

Rest in future life and light.

332 Sons of Sorrow

Rise, brethren, rise, your home is in the skies.

167 Pray, Brethren, Pray

Ris’n with healing in His wings.

81b Cookham

Safe in the promised land.

133 Hebrew Children

Save in the death of Christ, my God

447 Wondrous Cross

Say, if in your tents my beloved has been

571 Penitence

Say why in the valley of death should I weep

571 Penitence

Seek ye not in palaces

461 Shining Star

Shall we seek Thee, Lord, in vain?

50b Humility

70t Gainsville

Soon ’twill set in dismal night

332 Sons of Sorrow

Soon you’ll miss me in your berth

410t The Dying Californian

Stand dressed in living green

66 Jordan

289 Greensborough

446 Infinite Day

Stand fast with sword in hand

201 Pilgrim

Storm is gathering in the west

108b The Traveler

Strong in faith, in love and hope.

70t Gainsville

Sweet fields arrayed in living green

51 My Home

65 Sweet Prospect

128 The Promised Land

433 McKay

439 Jordan

442 New Jordan

Sweet music in Zion’s beginning to roll

424 Sweet Union

That dwelt in my bow’r I observed as my bell

100 The Bower of Prayer

That fountain in his day

397 The Fountain

That in His love is found

373 Homeward Bound

That its foot was on earth and its top in the sky.

551 Jacob’s Vision

That man is blessed who stands in awe

486 Beneficence

That One in all His grace I need

93 Frozen Heart

That saints enjoy in heav’n.

283 Sabbath Morning

That the earth will be burning in that day.

567 The Great Day

That the sun will be darkened in that day.

567 The Great Day

That there will be a judgment in that day.

567 The Great Day

That walk in yonder narrow way

229 Irwinton

That we’ll meet up there in our home in heav’n.

41 Home in Heaven

The angels in glory repeat the glad story

360 The Royal Band

The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll in fire

149 The Trumpet

The fields strive in vain to look gay

127 Green Fields

The Lord has shut them in.

506 The Ark

The marriage in the skies

438 The Marriage in the Skies

The saints in full prosperity

170 Exhilaration

The same was in the beginning with God.

553 Anthem on the Beginning

The Son of God in tears

33t Weeping Savior

The tears of joy in all your eyes

152 Shepherds Rejoice

The temple’s veil in sunder breaks

292 Behold the Savior

The tokens in His hands I knew —

164 Duane Street

The tomahawk, buried, shall rest in the ground

160t War Department

The voice of one crying in the wilderness

232 Baptismal Anthem

The world and flesh in vain may rise

326 Weary Pilgrim

Then I shall live in heav’n above

560 My Home

Then in a moment to my view

164 Duane Street

Then in a nobler, sweeter song

397 The Fountain

Then in heav’n with joy to greet thee

118 Stockwood

Then let us in His name sing on

283 Sabbath Morning

There all flesh is at once in the sight of the Lord

149 The Trumpet

There he saw in a vision a ladder so high

551 Jacob’s Vision

There’s union in heav’n

424 Sweet Union

They all are robed in spotless white

383 Eternal Day

They’re ’round my bed, they’re in my room

122 All Is Well

This work that’s in my soul begun

337 Mercy’s Free

Thou art my all in all.

393 Alexander

Thou bear me in thy breast.

489 The Savior’s Call

Though in the paths of death I tread

402 Protection

Though oft from Thy presence in sadness I roam

161 Sweet Home

Though we are few in number.

90 Look Out

Though we part here in body, we’re bound for one glory

116 Union

Thousands sleeping in their sins

495 The Midnight Cry

Thrust in our sickles at Thy word

573 Harpeth Valley

Thus may we abide in union

56t Columbiana

’Tis heav’n to rest in Thine embrace

147t Boylston

503 Lloyd

’Tis music in the sinner’s ears

88b Mount Zion

395 New Bethel

To dwell forever in Thy sight?

316 New Hope

To follow in their train.

123b Cross of Christ

To glorious mansions in the skies

62 Parting Hand

516 DeLong

To knock, but could not enter in.

60 Day of Worship

To mansions in the skies

36b Ninety-Fifth

43 Primrose Hill

114 Saint’s Delight

293 Akers

462 Faith and Hope

To rest in His embrace.

84 Amsterdam

To save us rebels dead in sin

296 Sardinia

To see the saints in glory

92 Burk

To sing God’s praise in endless day

80b Service of the Lord

176t Ragan

274t The Golden Harp

278b Traveling Pilgrim

282 I’m Going Home

To triumph in His sight.

279 The Shepherd’s Flock

To usher in the glorious day.

412 New Hosanna

Triumphant in His grace.

396 Notes Almost Divine

Triumphant in the skies.

131b Invocation

Trust Him ye saints in all your ways

26 Samaria

107 Russia

Unto our God be glory in the highest

223 Portuguese Hymn

Was flowing in my soul

141 Complainer

Was urged upon our necks in vain

242 Ode on Science

We’re fettered and chained up in clay

206 Christian’s Hope

We have met in sweet accord

477 Lord, We Adore Thee

We’ll praise the Lord in heav’n above

274b Roll Jordan

We’ll sing around the throne in sweet accord

454 The Better Land

We to their labors ent’ring in

573 Harpeth Valley

We wait in hope on the promise giv’n

41 Home in Heaven

What a haven in Jesus’ sweet name.

399b Happy Christian

What impious numbers, bold in sin

354t Lebanon

What’s this that in my soul is rising?

337 Mercy’s Free

What wraps the land in sorrow’s shade?

110 Mount Vernon

When we’ve this in store

98 Dull Care

When heated in the chase

230 Converting Grace

When I appear in yonder cloud

386 Christ Our Song

When I hear the trumpet sound in the morning.

85 The Morning Trumpet

When I shall unite in your song?

384 Panting For Heaven

When in a low whisper I heard something say

341 The Lone Pilgrim

When sinking in despair.

187 Protection

When Zion in purity the world shall behold.

130 Millennium

Where breathes in kindness mutual love

374 Oh, Sing With Me!

Where nature all in ruin lies

300 Calvary

Where saints in glory stand, bright, bright as day.

354b Happy Land

Where the saints robed in white

175 Highlands of Heaven

Which in my Savior shine.

396 Notes Almost Divine

While beauty and youth are in their full prime

136 Morality

While here in the valley of conflict I stay

119 Heaven’s My Home

While I address you in God’s name.

204 Mission

While in the army I remain

487 Soldier’s Delight

While in this body here we stay

206 Christian’s Hope

While in this land of sorrow I remain.

416 The Christian’s Nightly Song

While in this vale of sorrow

83t Vale of Sorrow

Whilst I’m engaged in praising

109 Carnsville

Who seek for mansions in the skies

62 Parting Hand

Whose hearts in sweetest union join

62 Parting Hand

Why should our tears in sorrow flow

541 Home of the Blest

With me in paradise.”

44 The Converted Thief

With such as saints in glory love

180 Vermont

With tears of joy in all your eyes

306 Oxford

Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

234 Reverential Anthem

Would make any change in my mind.

127 Green Fields

Wrapped in sweet vision’s airy dream.

140 Sweet Solitude

Yes when my eyes are closed in death

387 Penick

Yet there was something in his eye

164 Duane Street

Yielded in Thy presence bow

477 Lord, We Adore Thee

You that in wicked pleasures live

37t Ester

You who in sin and folly live

204 Mission

You will find Christ in the way.

108b The Traveler

Your flesh in dust be laid.

37b Liverpool

215 New Topia