Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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United Kingdom Sacred Harp Convention

Old School, Cumnor, Oxford, United Kingdom

September 8-9, 2001

Saturday, September 8

The sixth United Kingdom Sacred Harp Convention was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Co-Chair Sheila Girling Smith, welcoming all those attending, and then led song on page 155. Helen Brown offered the opening prayer. Co-Chair Edwin Macadam led song on page 84, and then introduced David Lee of Hoboken, Georgia.

David Lee gave a workshop during which he outlined the history of singing in his family stretching back five generations. During his workshop, David led the following songs: 49b, 500 (CB), 38t (CB), 140 (CB), 488b (CB), 101t (duet with Kathy Lee), 98 (CB), 478 (CB), 336t (CB), 502 (CB), 411 (CB), 511t (CB).


David Richardson brought the class to order leading song on page 176t. Leaders: Mandy Townsend 383; Bernard Collard 362; Grace Scrimgeour 33b; Rosie Wojcik 129; Phil Tyler 340; Dafydd Charles 299; George Seiler 480; Margaret Gillanders 452; David Hough 448t; Ruth Cooper 454; Paul Gailiunas 163b; Marcia Johnson 218; Mike Bailey 287; Judy Whiting 171; Mick Verrier 107; Katharine Hough 376; Leon Ballinger 269. Ruth Cooper offered Grace for the noon meal.


The afternoon session was called to order by Ian West leading song on page 270. Leaders: Jill Thompson 504; Ted Johnson 142; Ros Clements 510; Dave Townsend 378b; Caroline Edwards 178; Alexa Gilmore 82t; Adrian Bolge 370; Rachel Jordan 474; Alan Weeks 468; Joanne Hoover 58; David Moore 361; Steve Fletcher 148; David Cooper 324; Jean Seiler 217; Paul Setford 273; Mryka Hall-Beyer 86; Matthew Wojcik 81t.

The Rev. Susan Durber, pastor of the United Reformed Church, Cumnor, conducted a Celebratory Lesson. She read a list of those with special reason to celebrate, including an engagement announcement, a recent marriage, wedding anniversaries, the birth and gift of grandchildren, restoration of health, graduation results and the community of song. During the lesson she remarked that the only other times she had heard such loud singing from the heart were from a group of African asylum seekers and from the brethren of a restored Monastery in Armenia. Susan encouraged us all to continue to “sing on” and led song on page 159, with Sheila Girling Smith.


Sheila Girling Smith brought the class back to order leading song on page 186. Leaders: Ken Baddley 515; Roz Argyle 497; Ian Head 263; Helen Brown 189; David Lee 511b (CB), 559 (CB), 563 (CB).


The class resumed singing with Phil Tyler leading song on page 114. Leaders: Jean Barton and Helen Brown 344; Kathy Lee 146; Rosie Wojcik 475; Dafydd Charles 36b; George Seiler 347; Margaret Gillanders 300; David Hough 384; Ruth Cooper 209; Paul Gailiunas 335; Marcia Johnson 485; Mike Bailey 92; Judy Whiting 222; Mick Verrier and Emily Verrier 163b; Katharine Hough 569b; Ian West 28t; Leon Ballinger 121. Ken Baddley offered the closing prayer.

Sunday, September 9

Co-Chair Edwin Macadam called the convention to order at 10:00 a.m. leading song on page 276. Alan Weeks offered the opening prayer.

David Lee continued with his workshop. During this he described the important part that singing played in his own upbringing and the joy of seeing this continue into the next generation. During the workshop David led the following songs: 271 (CB), 45t, “Mercy Seat” (Lloyds Hymnal)—a duet with Kathy Lee on the occasion of their 23rd wedding anniversary that day, 505 (CB), 567 (CB), 336t (CB), 225t (CB), 263 (CB), 416t (CB).


Dave Richardson brought the class back to order leading song on page 145t. Leaders: Sheila Girling Smith 535; Edwin Macadam 538; Grace Scrimgeour 48t; Bernard Collard 63; Jill Thompson 496; Ted Johnson 89; Ros Clements 501; Dave Townsend 434.

Kathy Lee conducted the memorial lesson and reminded us, through an illustration concerning her last meeting with Jerilyn Schumacher, of the need to let people know how we feel about them while they are still with us. Kathy read the names of the deceased and led song on page 499. Those remembered were: John Hayden, Vera Leigh, Mary Brown, Noreen Friar, Benjamin Francis Casson Bailey, and Jerilyn Schumacher—Illinois; Mary Kay Friday—Washington D.C.; George A. Seiler—California; John Doncaster, ‘my brother Timothy, my brother Michael’, Richard Hooke—Massachusetts; Rick Boardman, Faye Brewster, Mrs. Champkin, Val Elliott, James Smith, Stephen Paddock, Elizabeth Taylor, Lucy Collings, Zenia Lykkegaard, and Melvin Hickox—Georgia; Jane Ardle, Mary Wain, Dianna Scarfe, Gladys Vickery, Robert Vickery, Marilyn Hood, Anna Smith, and Tommye Denson Mauldin—Alabama.

For the sick and shut-ins, Bernard Collard told a story illustrating the kindness and acceptance of the young towards those less able than they themselves. Grace Scrimgeour read the names of the sick and shut-ins, and Dave Richardson led song on page 277. Those remembered were: Father Fred Green, Ian Ferguson, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Delorese Lee (in the hospital in York following an emergency appendectomy, and Johnny Lee staying at her side), Win Tyler, Patrick Hennessey, Stan Whiting, Mary Kellaway, Dorothy Ronson, Gordon Ashman, Tony Rose, Heidi Marriott, Emily Hewlett, Ivan Gillett, Eric Conrod, Rinie Loades, Nesrin Boysan, Steven Hough, Jason Brittain, Mick Tems, Ev Yoder, Helen Bray, John Powell, and Jean Paine. The memorial was concluded.

Leaders: Alexa Gilmore 83b; Helen Brown 442. Edwin Macadam led a song “Grace” to the tune on page 49t, with an added doxology.

During the recess, to mark the fact that thirteen ‘Davids’ had been present during the convention, the song on page 268 was sung by eleven of them in the grounds outside the Old School.


The afternoon session was called to order by Steve Fletcher leading song on page 128. Leaders: David Cooper 36b; Rachel Jordan 503; Adrian Bolge 350; Joanne Hoover 56b; Leon Ballinger 490; Mryka Hall-Beyer 210; Alan Weeks 174; Jean Seiler 472; Paul Setford 28b; Roz Argyle 457; Matthew Wojcik 365; Claire Singleton 294; Ken Baddley 147t; Dafydd Charles 155; Marcia Johnson 179.


The class resumed singing with Mandy Townsend leading song on page 39t. Leaders: Phil Tyler 477; Judy Whiting 371; Mike Bailey and Charlotte Bailey 66; Mick Verrier and Emily Verrier 272; Jill Thompson 31t; Ian West 135; Rachel Jordan 269; Paul Gailiunas 212; Rosie Wojcik 37b; George Seiler 168; Katharine Hough 29t; Ted Johnson 419; Alexa Gilmore 72b; David Hough 137; Marcia Johnson 216; Joanne Hoover 313b; Matthew Wojcik 112; Mryka Hall-Bower 352; Leon Ballinger 299; Jean Seiler 200; Kathy Lee 312b; David Lee 274t, 47b.

Edwin Macadam thanked David Lee and Kathy Lee, and presented them with a fan decorated by Bernard Collard as a memento of the convention.

Announcements of forthcoming singings were made, and the Co-Chairs then called for the officers’ reports.

The Arranging Committee announced that 76 songs were led on Saturday and 66 on Sunday, including the workshop pieces. 96 singers attended on Saturday and 83 (t? b?) on Sunday. Included in this number were 14 Americans, including Tom Mitchell and Mary Ballinger who did not lead, and one Canadian.

George Seiler proposed thanks to the officers and to all who had assisted in making the convention such a success.

David Lee offered the parting prayer, and led song on page 62 as the class took the parting hand.

Co-Chairs—Edwin Macadam and Sheila Girling Smith; Arranging Committee—Dave Richardson; Secretary—Bernard Collard.