Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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James River Convention

Richmond, Virginia

November 15-16, 1997

Saturday, November 15

The sixth annual James River Convention was held at the Parish Hall, Church of the Epiphany, Richmond, Virginia on the third Sunday and Saturday before in November.

The class was called to order by outgoing chairman, Gail Doss, leading song on page 82t. The morning prayer was led by Chaplain Sandra Polaski, and general announcements were made.

Gail Doss led song on page 171. Leaders: Tom Tucker 47b; Donna Abrahams 48t; Roland Hutchinson 49b; Guy Bankes 287; Nancy Newell 163b; Mary Hulburt 145b; Bev Oneida 291; John DelRe 29 (t? b?); Mary DeNys 34b; Hal Kunkel 426b; Evan Duncan 224; Kat Kinkade 163t; Claudia Egelhoff 474; Doron Henkin 245; Cathy Tucker 547; Joyce Saxon 148.

Nominations for officers were opened and the following were elected: Chairman—Blake Morris; Vice Chairman—Stephen McMaster; Secretary—Mary Wright; Treasurer—Craig Baughan.

Leaders: Craig Baughan 178; Mary Wright 324; Stephen McMaster 32t; Blake Morris 378t.


The class resumed singing with Blake Morris leading songs on pages 312b and 504 (by request). Leaders: Gabriel Kastelle 531; Lynda Hambourger 472; Kathy Manning 528; Marty DeNys 454; Kacy Pate 186; Peter Pate 129; Bobby Bailey 394; Sandra Polaski 276; Laurel Cornell 38t; Mary Kay Friday 506; Frank Evans 39 (t? b?); Sue Hanson 479; Fred Beardsley 299; Diane Mennella 382; Pat Temple 168; Tom Tucker 192; Donna Abrahams 373; Don Polaski 198; Roland Hutchinson 242; Guy Bankes 350. Blake Morris led song on page 49t as the blessing on the noon meal.


The afternoon session was brought together by Blake Morris leading song on page 72b. Leaders: Mary Ann Daly 24 (t? b?); Bev Oneida 142; John DelRe 144; Mary DeNys 128; Hal Kunkel 532; Homer Rudolf 38b; Evan Duncan 84; Kat Kinkade 542; Claudia Egelhoff 317; Doron Henkin 216; Cathy Tucker 106; Joyce Saxon 196; Gail Doss 378b; Stephen McMaster 282; Mary Wright 114; Craig Baughan 229; Gabriel Kastelle 33 (t? b?); Lynda Hambourger 368; Kathy Manning 349; Marty DeNys 31t; Sandra Polaski 159; Bobby Bailey 87; Peter Pate 440 (for Kacy Pate); Laurel Cornwell 236; Mary Kay Friday 120; Frank Evans 284.


Blake Morris brought the class to order leading song on page 35. Leaders: Kat Kinkade 539; Sue Hanson 497; Peter Pate 522; Fred Beardsley 475; Leyland DelRe 207; Diane Mennella 146; Tom Tucker 300; Donna Abrahams 143; Don Polaski 200; Roland Hutchinson 553; Guy Bankes 481; Mary Ann Daly 122; Bev Oneida 203; John DelRe 83 (t? b?); Mary DeNys 56 (t? b?); Evan Duncan 513.

Announcements were made. Blake Morris closed the session with song on page 56t. The class was dismissed with prayer by Sandra Polaski.

A late afternoon session organized by Kat Kinkade featured new music led by the composers.

Sunday, November 16

On Sunday morning the convention was called to order at the Dorey Recreation Center by Blake Morris leading song on page 108t. The morning prayer was led by Sandra Polaski.

Leaders: Mary Wright 51; Craig Baughan 86; John Fedderson 48t; Bev Oneida 147 (t? b?); Kat Kinkade 441; Gabriel Kastelle 455; Don Polaski 344; Homer Rudolf 58; Frank Evans 87. After an announcement period singing resumed with Sandra Polaski leading song on page 361. Leaders: Kathy Manning 290; Bobby Bailey 35; Gail Doss 99; Doron Henkin 501; Mary Kay Friday 232; Guy Bankes 68 (t? b?); Hal Kunkel 388; Pat Temple 85; Liz Cusick 178; Roland Hutchinson 524; Laurel Cornell 569 (t? b?); Fred Beardsley 532; Diane Mennella 550; Joyce Saxon 384; John Fedderson 163b; Bev Oneida 352; Kat Kinkade 404.


Blake Morris called the class together by leading song on page 354b.

The Treasurer gave the report that the convention has made its goal on monies received.

Leaders: Gabriel Kastelle 44; Don Polaski 480; Sylvia Whaley 40 (led by Blake Morris); Frank Evans 254 (led by Joyce Saxon); Sandra Polaski 551; Kathy Manning 176t; Bobby Bailey 452; Gail Doss 543; Doron Henkin 189.

The memorial lesson was opened by Don Polaski with a reading for the following sick and shut-in: Mary Hulburt, Allen Henkin, Ada Mergus, John Haas, Stephen McMaster, and Tom Padwa. Blake Morris led song on page 52b.

The deceased were honored with readings from Psalm 90 and the Book of Revelations. Those remembered were: Robert Kendall, Donna Matson, Susan Wantland, Robert Toone, Tony DeFusco, Freddy “Bubba” Fletcher, Tom Hardy, Quay Smathers, and John Lundgren. Mary Wright led song on page 66. Sandra Polaski closed the memorial with prayer.

The class resumed singing with Mary Kay Friday leading song on page 191, and Guy Bankes leading song on page 65. Sandra Polaski gave the lunch blessing.


The afternoon session was brought together by Blake Morris leading song on page 370. Leaders: Hal Kunkel 460; Pat Temple 287; Roland Hutchinson 347; Laurel Cornell 143; Fred Beardsley 81t; Mary DeNys 70b; Mary Wright 71; Craig Baughan 267; Diane Mennella 294; Blake Morris 45t (by request), 417 (by request); Joyce Saxon 280; John Fedderson 547; Bev Oneida 180; Homer Rudolf 351; Kat Kinkade 377; Gabriel Kastelle 69t; Don Polaski 269; Hal Kunkel 250; Frank Evans 117; Sandra Polaski 268; Kathy Manning 565; Doron Henkin 148; Bobby Bailey 566; Mary Kay Friday 147 (t? b?); Gail Doss 270; Guy Bankes 29t; Pat Temple 472; Roland Hutchinson 503; Laurel Cornell 62; Fred Beardsley 149.


The afternoon session resumed with Kathy Manning recognizing all those who served on the committees which made the convention a success: Pitching—Blake Morris, Roland Hutchinson, and John Fedderson; Arrangements—Pat Temple, Susan Hanson, Mary DeNys, and Gail Doss; Food—Homer Rudolf, Stephen McMaster, George Tutwiler, and Pat Temple; Chaplain—Sandra Polaski; Memorial—Don Polaski; Registration—Norma Morris; Publicity—Barbara Batson; Housing—Blake Morris and Gail Doss; Child Care—Gail Doss.

Attendees from their respective states were recognized: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Ontario Canada.

Leaders: Blake Morris 153; Mary DeNys 107; Pat Temple 145b; Craig Baughan 390; Kelsey Taylor 77t; Anna Taylor 278b; Diane Mennella 448t; Joyce Saxon 162; John Fedderson 497; Bev Oneida 492; Homer Rudolf 229; Kat Kinkade 372; Blake Morris 56 (t? b?). The class was dismissed with prayer by Sandra Polaski.

Chairman—Blake Morris; Vice Chairman—Stephen McMaster; Secretary—Mary Wright.