Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

blessing 23 occurrences, 12 verses, 22 songs

And God has showered His blessing down

466 Haynes Creek

Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure

532 Peace and Joy

Come, Thou Fount of ev’ry blessing

135 Olney

145t Warrenton

154 Rest For the Weary

312b Restoration

333 Family Circle

Each blessing to my soul more dear

143 Pleyel’s Hymn

He sends His show’rs of blessing down

200 Edom

301 Greenland

304 Morgan

528 Showers of Blessings

Jesus, grant us all a blessing

80t Shouting Song

323t Mullins

Secure the blessing of the day.

28b Wells

Send a blessing, send a blessing just now.

369 Send A Blessing

The blessing of Thy grace impart

475 A Thankful Heart

Thy lips with blessing overflow

503 Lloyd

Till a blessing Thou bestow.

50b Humility

70t Gainsville

74b King of Peace

We shall all receive a blessing

144 Jubilee