Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

died 23 occurrences, 18 verses, 18 songs

Alleluia to Jesus who died on the tree

551 Jacob’s Vision

And all sinners may hope, since the Savior hath died.

158 Funeral Thought

And He died on the cross for sinners

132 Sinner’s Friend

And wept, and bled, and died

44 The Converted Thief

Art Thou the Man that died for me?

95 Vernon

Bled and died on Calvary

491 Oh, What Love

For Jesus died for me.

196 Alabama

He died to atone for the sins of the world

119 Heaven’s My Home

Of Him who died for me

381 Sing On

“Oh my son! Would to God I had died

268 David’s Lamentation

On which the Prince of glory died

447 Wondrous Cross

Our blessed Savior died

480 Redemption

That Jesus died for me.

123b Cross of Christ

197 Georgia

The man who suffered, bled and died for me:

416 The Christian’s Nightly Song

Think who has died His beloved to save

339 When I Am Gone

459 Tolling Bell

When He died upon the cross for sinners

426b Jasper

Where death hath no sting, since the Savior hath died.

158 Funeral Thought

Who died upon the tree?

123b Cross of Christ

197 Georgia

381 Sing On