Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

throne 47 occurrences, 40 verses, 43 songs

A throne of grace, oh, at that throne

466 Haynes Creek

A throne of grace, then let us go

466 Haynes Creek

And gathered ’round the snow-white throne

498 The Resurrection Day

And see His humble throne

152 Shepherds Rejoice

306 Oxford

And thus surround the throne.

31b Webster

481 Novakoski

Around the great white throne

381 Sing On

Around the Savior’s throne

196 Alabama

Be my Redeemer’s throne

205 Pleasant Hill

Beneath the sacred throne of God

569b Sacred Throne

But I am dumb before Thy throne

86 Poland

Cast their crowns before His throne

139 Elysian

Come, worship at His throne

34b St. Thomas

169 Dartmouth

Firm as His throne His promise stands

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

Grace is the partner of the throne

26 Samaria

He calls thee to His throne of grace

476 The Throne of Grace

Help me to tear it from Thy throne

27 Bethel

High was Thy throne ere heav’n was made

142 Stratfield

I sit upon my holy throne

174 Petersburg

In hymns around the throne

283 Sabbath Morning

Jesus on His throne appears

108t Weeping Sinners

Let every heart prepare a throne

441 Raymond

My great Redeemer’s throne

328 Praise God

My rock and refuge is His throne

26 Samaria

107 Russia

My songs address Thy throne.

298 Providence

My thoughts address His throne

203 Florida

Presenting at His Father’s throne

171 Exhortation

173 Phoebus

See, gracious God, before Thy throne

354t Lebanon

That prayed, and God heard from His throne.

116 Union

The face of Him that sitteth on the throne

250 Heavenly Vision

They sit around Thy gracious throne

147t Boylston

Thus we’ll surround the great white throne

55 Sister’s Farewell

Thy saints, Oh Lord, before Thy throne

28t Aylesbury

To sit with joy at God’s own throne

279 The Shepherd’s Flock

Under the shadow of Thy throne

543 Thou Art God

We’ll sing around the throne in sweet accord

454 The Better Land

Which opens the way to God’s throne.

116 Union

While sitting ’round His throne

463 Our Humble Faith

While they surround the holy throne

225b Christmas Anthem

While Thou art sitting on Thy throne

58 Pisgah

While ye surround His throne.

52t Albion